Like what you've read here? Hate what you've read here? Written something that you'd like me to consider for a future issue?
Please get in touch!
Just click this address to send mail: for Mike for Garry
If you're thinking of contributing, be sure to take a look at the "Contributor's Guidelines" section on this page.
Other Contact Details For Mike
for an urgent enquiry or assistance to program a scanner
for MSN messenger users
I am online quite regulary and currently chat live while listening to scanners with other scanner listners
Contributor's Guidelines
The type of content I'm looking for is any area of scanning in Newcastle. If you have a main interest, please send me and
article in word, text, or html. Im also looking for pictures of emergency services, rig setups at home,office,antennas,
etc... My policy on rights,The work supplied must be your own work, that is you have not taken it from someone
else and and i have full permission to use and edit the material supplied to fit the style of the website, But giving full
credit to the contributor. No payments are made for submitted articles. This is a free website to promote scanning
in Newcastle