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Choo Choo 

Newcastle Station
Taken by Garry


Here is a few other frequencies that are used on our local rail network. Railway activity can also be found on the GRN, which are also in the process of updating there networks.


                output                    input                                       output                    input

ch 1         418.100                   408.650                   ch 28                418.900                   409.450

ch 1A     418.1125                408.6625                ch 28A                418.9125                409.4625

ch 2         418.125                   408.675                   ch 29                418.925                   409.475

ch 2A     418.1375                408.6875                 450.050                   State wide train movements 

ch 3         418.150                   408.700                  465.475                   Port Waratah yard

ch 3A     418.1625                407.7125                 466.425                   Kooragang Island  

ch 4         418.175                   408.725                 487.600                   Rail Acess Corp. Loss Prev. 

ch 4A     418.1875                408.7375                 485.500                   Rail Acess Corp.  Maint. 

ch 5         418.200                   408.750

ch 5A                                                                    

ch 6         418.250                   408.800

ch 6A     418.2625                408.8125                 Please drop us a line and tell us of any alterations

ch 7         418.275                   408.825                                   or additions that you may have. Also, please

ch 7A     418.2875                408.8375                 sign our Guest Book and tell your friends about

ch 8         418.300                   408.850                                   Newcastles best website,, newcastlescan - Garry

ch 8A     418.3125                408.8625

ch 9         418.325                   408.875

ch 9A    

ch 10

ch 10A

ch 11       418.400                   408.950

ch 11A   418.4125                408.9625

ch 12       418.425                   408.975

ch 12A   418.4375                408.9875

ch 13       418.450                   409.000

ch 13A   418.4625                409.0125

ch 14       418.475                   409.025

ch 14A   418.4875                409.0375

ch 15       418.500                   409.050

ch 15A

ch 16       418.550                   409.100

ch 16A   418.5625                409.1125

ch 17       418.575                   409.125

ch 17A   418.5875                409.1375

ch 18       418.600                   409.150

ch 18A   418.6125                409.1625

ch 19       418.625                   409.175

ch 19A  

ch 20

ch 20A

ch 21       418.700                   409.250

ch 21A   418.7125                409.2625

ch 22       418.725                   409.275

ch 22A   418.7375                409.2875

ch 23       418.750                   409.300

ch 23A   418.7625                409.3125

ch 24       418.775                   409.325

ch 24A   418.7875                409.3375

ch 25       418.800                   409.350

ch 25A

ch 26       418.850                   409.400

ch 26A   418.8625                409.4125

ch 27       418.875                   409.425

ch 27A   418.8875                409.9375

Newcastle Station
Taken By Garry

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