Book On CD!

Railscan 5 By Russell Bryant
Do you like trains! STEAM, ELECTRIC, DIESEL, Well we all like trains, and i guess, some like rail-scanning.Im one of those
guys, well with a rail line being 40 metres from my back door, its only natural. so this is THE scanning reference, NO, Bible
for the rail scanner listeners, plenty of good information and frequencies and GRN IDS. Good design and excellent value for
money. Contact Directly. Russell Bryant PO Box 344 Springwood NSW 2777
click here to send an email to russell
Now a days there are many software control programs available to control you Uniden UBC780XLT, So when Dave from ScanNSW(The
Spectrums Edge) was noting things about our new feed he mentioned ARC780, i had not heard much about it as in the 780 Box
there was a brouchure about winscan... so when he sent a demo version thru I ran the setup straight away.... its a time limited
demo but the style is a little older than some new applications, but the features it has for me, is the virtual control absolute
ripper!. To connect it to your scanner youll need a serial cable to go into the 9pin serial D connector on the 780. and set
up the comms as per the manual. the software adds a few new features which you may like(well i loved them), your 780 comes
with 5 svc searchs and 10 programable searchs well add this software and you get up to 200 easy searches!!!! the other
feature i like is the tiny on screen mini display so i can work and have all the info i need in the corner of my monitor...
the software also turns the backlight into an auto Back Light.... when the scanner stops the light comes on... starts scanning
again, it turns off, its has easy fill options and heaps more and i think the price is pretty good too
heres a message i copied from a newsgroup message (17/8/2002)
We have now released version 1.0492 of our popular software for programming and controlling the (U)BC780 XLT. Minor
bugs were fixed and new options were added. ARC780 is now the only software that enables the 'auto backlight option'
of the 780. Backlight will switch on/off when squelch opens/closes while running under Virtual Control. Virtual
control will show the right cellular frequencies for BC780 that are cellular modified. Other new options: -
info box can be disabled - extra decrease of cpu load - program FIPS codes - ARC780 auto detects 780 model for AFU -
support ctcss/dcs lockout - virtual control has minimize button that shows small quick view status panel - virtual
control has auto backlight option: switches backlight on/off when squelch open/closed - virtual control supports service
search - settings for find window are stored - virtual control correctly displays cellular freq's for 780's that are
modified - fill down / fill series now have ctrl shortcut - virtual control has button in toolbar - ARC780 can start
with virtual control - full backup and restore option - set and upload active scan/search banks, setting is stored in
mem file - software can save virtual control window position demo / info / screenshots / order at http://www.butelsoftware.comRegards, Gommert
as you see a lot of features.. ive included a direct download below from our site find it below..
I can say good product with the most features, for a hobbyist its easy to use a novice put aside a few hours to learn
it, its worth it
Mike Pugh!
click here to download file
This is my screen print and i zoomed in the |

corner so you can see the details |

The Home And Holiday Scanner Frequency Guide.
Well this is a big thick book. and about $40 from your local Dick Smith Store. About 200 pages BIG and how much can you
use?, If you are travelling then its a good reference and i guess only when you buy it as things change to greatly that it
would be out of date within six months... Now for Newcastle, there are about 4 pages of listings NOT in any specific order
and so you have to sought thru them carefully and to a new scanner owner i say "dont worry about it". There is GRN Freqs but
no details, a couple of codes meanings and they dont even list Police Simplex CH65.. Which on the road can let you listen,
sometimes to rader location chit chat.

Winscan 780 By Pozilla
To connect you Uniden 780XLT to you computer you need a serial cable and some software, well there are several pieces
of software but uniden recommend Winscan and it is a useful package. The Basics are connect the scanner as per the manual,
turn on the scanner and set up the comms in the scanner and enter remote mode, I've noticed that once it set into remote mode
it stays that way till you change it. (good feature)then run software and connect to scanner. and wow everything the you push
on the scanner can be done with the mouse! click on the link to download the trial version. its fully operational except you
cant program the banks except for bank 1. email me if you have any questions and ill see if i can answer them for you.
Click here to directly the winscan website!
New magazine

Well since theres been no appearence of Radiomag in a few months i guess its gone bye bye.... and while i dont want to
get involved in the newsgroup discussions i had heard about his new mag called Radioworld so when it turned up at garry Ls
with a 2nd copy for me I had to read it and review.
Well lets start with the price! its cheap, $22 for 2 years bi-monthly published via subscription and you become a Syncro
Radio Club Member, Membership Which also gives you 5% Discount on all purchases and services From syncro Aust and Tower
communications, free postage or overnight freight on purchased items up to 5KG so lets say that the mag is an vehicle for
them but thats ok after all TV radio and other media is based on that.
SO whats inside Vol.1 No.1? The Stuff i want, theres basic theory, Shortwave, propogation, electronics (on radios i might
add! you know what im talking about)And Russell Bryant with his classic scanner info, Antennas, soon to come Free Classifieds!
and what i like to see ADS, i really like to see new stuff and what it worth! i hope eastern coast business's join in and
advertise, i wont deny that the first issue is thin but its not full of useless garbage (see RADIOMAGS last issue) and i expect
it will become a very credible read!
Send a Cheque,money order $22
or creditcard details to
Syncro Australia
197 Falls Road
Lesmurdie W.A 6076
Honestly $22 is not a lot to pay! so bite the bullet